Template:Infobox element/symbol-to-saw/doc

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Element (E)
Ar, standard(E)
Table 1[2]
Value type
Ar, std abridged(E)
Table 2[3]
Ar, std conventional(E)
Table 3[4]
Ar, std formal short(E)
Tables 2 ∪ 3[5]
Mass number
[most stable isotope]
hydrogen 1H [1.007841.00811] Interval [1.00781.0082] 1.008 1.008
nitrogen 7N [14.0064314.00728] Interval [14.00614.008] 14.007 14.007
fluorine 9F 18.998403163(6) Value (uncertainty) 18.998 18.998
calcium 20Ca 40.078(4) Value (uncertainty) 40.078(4) 40.078(4)
technetium 43Tc (none) Most stable isotope [97]


Use parameter |format=:

{{Infobox element/symbol-to-saw|format=...}}
  • |format=standard (default):
  • |format=abridged:
  • |format=conventional:
  • |format=formal-short:
  • |format=formal-short-rounded:
  • |format=plain-short-value:
  • |format=year-changed:
  • |format=value-type:
For 'most stable isotope' value (Tc, Rf, Uue etc.), see also {{Infobox element/symbol-to-most-stable-isotope}}.
See also: {{Infobox element/symbol-to-saw/CIAAW-saw-element-page}} → "Standard Atomic Weights: Mercury". CIAAW. 2011..[6]


Z Symbol Name Ar, standard
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
→ Short
Table 2, 3
→ Short-
m.s.i. Year changed Note

1 H hydrogen [1.007841.00811] 2 [1.00781.0082] 1.008 1.008 1.008 2009[7]
2 He helium 4.002602(2) 1 4.0026 4.0026 4.0026 1983[8]
3 Li lithium [6.9386.997] 2 [6.9386.997] 6.94 6.94 6.94 2009[9]
4 Be beryllium 9.0121831(5) 1 9.0122 9.0122 9.0122 2013[10]
5 B boron [10.80610.821] 2 [10.80610.821] 10.81 10.81 10.81 2009[11]
6 C carbon [12.009612.0116] 2 [12.00912.012] 12.011 12.011 12.011 2009[12]
7 N nitrogen [14.0064314.00728] 2 [14.00614.008] 14.007 14.007 14.007 2009[13]
8 O oxygen [15.9990315.99977] 2 [15.99916.000] 15.999 15.999 15.999 2009[14]
9 F fluorine 18.998403163(6) 1 18.998 18.998 18.998 2013[15]
10 Ne neon 20.1797(6) 1 20.180 20.180 20.180 1985[16]
11 Na sodium 22.98976928(2) 1 22.990 22.990 22.990 2005[17]
12 Mg magnesium [24.30424.307] 2 [24.30424.307] 24.305 24.305 24.305 2011[18]
13 Al aluminium 26.9815384(3) 1 26.982 26.982 26.982 2017[19]
14 Si silicon [28.08428.086] 2 [28.08428.086] 28.085 28.085 28.085 2009[20]
15 P phosphorus 30.973761998(5) 1 30.974 30.974 30.974 2013[21]
16 S sulfur [32.05932.076] 2 [32.05932.076] 32.06 32.06 32.06 2009[22]
17 Cl chlorine [35.44635.457] 2 [35.44635.457] 35.45 35.45 35.45 2009[23]
18 Ar argon [39.79239.963] 2 [39.79239.963] 39.95[24] 39.95 39.95 2017[25]
19 K potassium 39.0983(1) 1 39.098 39.098 39.098 1979[26]
20 Ca calcium 40.078(4) 1 40.078(4) 40.078(4) 40.078 1983[27]
21 Sc scandium 44.955908(5) 1 44.956 44.956 44.956 2013[28]
22 Ti titanium 47.867(1) 1 47.867 47.867 47.867 1993[29]
23 V vanadium 50.9415(1) 1 50.942 50.942 50.942 1977[30]
24 Cr chromium 51.9961(6) 1 51.996 51.996 51.996 1983[31]
25 Mn manganese 54.938043(2) 1 54.938 54.938 54.938 2017[32]
26 Fe iron 55.845(2) 1 55.845(2) 55.845(2) 55.845 1993[33]
27 Co cobalt 58.933194(3) 1 58.933 58.933 58.933 2017[34]
28 Ni nickel 58.6934(4) 1 58.693 58.693 58.693 2007[35]
29 Cu copper 63.546(3) 1 63.546(3) 63.546(3) 63.546 1969[36]
30 Zn zinc 65.38(2) 1 65.38(2) 65.38(2) 65.38 2007[37]
31 Ga gallium 69.723(1) 1 69.723 69.723 69.723 1987[38]
32 Ge germanium 72.630(8) 1 72.630(8) 72.630(8) 72.630 2009[39]
33 As arsenic 74.921595(6) 1 74.922 74.922 74.922 2013[40]
34 Se selenium 78.971(8) 1 78.971(8) 78.971(8) The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Se: 2013[41]
35 Br Br: Bromine [The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.] 2 [The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.] The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Br: 2011[42]
36 Kr Kr: Krypton The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Kr: 2001[43]
37 Rb Rb: Rubidium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Rb: 1969[44]
38 Sr Sr: Strontium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Sr: 1969[45]
39 Y Y: Yttrium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Y: 2017[46]
40 Zr Zr: Zirconium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Zr: 1983[47]
41 Nb Nb: Niobium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Nb: 2017[48]
42 Mo Mo: Molybdenum The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Mo: 2013[49]
43 Tc Tc: Technetium - 3 Tc: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
44 Ru Ru: Ruthenium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Ru: 1983[50]
45 Rh Rh: Rhodium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Rh: 2017[51]
46 Pd Pd: Palladium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Pd: 1979[52]
47 Ag Ag: Silver The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Ag: 1985[53]
48 Cd Cd: Cadmium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Cd: 2013[54]
49 In In: Indium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. In: 2011[55]
50 Sn Sn: Tin The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Sn: 1983[56]
51 Sb Sb: Antimony The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Sb: 1993[57]
52 Te Te: Tellurium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Te: 1969[58]
53 I I: Iodine The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. I: 1985[59]
54 Xe Xe: Xenon The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Xe: 1999[60]
55 Cs Cs: Caesium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Cs: 2013[61]
56 Ba Ba: Barium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Ba: 1985[62]
57 La La: Lanthanum The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. La: 2005[63]
58 Ce Ce: Cerium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Ce: 1995[64]
59 Pr Pr: Praseodymium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Pr: 2017[65]
60 Nd Nd: Neodymium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Nd: 2005[66]
61 Pm Pm: Promethium - 3 Pm: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
62 Sm Sm: Samarium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Sm: 2005[67]
63 Eu Eu: Europium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Eu: 1995[68]
64 Gd Gd: Gadolinium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Gd: 1969[69]
65 Tb Tb: Terbium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Tb: 2017[70]
66 Dy Dy: Dysprosium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Dy: 2001[71]
67 Ho Ho: Holmium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Ho: 2017[72]
68 Er Er: Erbium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Er: 1999[73]
69 Tm Tm: Thulium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Tm: 2017[74]
70 Yb Yb: Ytterbium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Yb: 2015[75]
71 Lu Lu: Lutetium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Lu: 2007[76]
72 Hf Hf: Hafnium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Hf: 2019[77]
73 Ta Ta: Tantalum The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Ta: 2005[78]
74 W W: Tungsten The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. W: 1991[79]
75 Re Re: Rhenium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Re: 1973[80]
76 Os Os: Osmium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Os: 1991[81]
77 Ir Ir: Iridium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Ir: 2017[82]
78 Pt Pt: Platinum The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Pt: 2005[83]
79 Au Au: Gold The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Au: 2017[84]
80 Hg Hg: Mercury (element) The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Hg: 2011[85]
81 Tl Tl: Thallium [The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.] 2 [The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.] The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Tl: 2009[86]
82 Pb Pb: Lead [The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.] 2 [The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.] The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Pb: 2020[87]
83 Bi Bi: Bismuth The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Bi: 2005[88]
84 Po Po: Polonium - 3 Po: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
85 At At: Astatine - 3 At: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
86 Rn Rn: Radon - 3 Rn: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
87 Fr Fr: Francium - 3 Fr: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
88 Ra Ra: Radium - 3 Ra: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
89 Ac Ac: Actinium - 3 Ac: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
90 Th Th: Thorium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Th: 2013[89]
91 Pa Pa: Protactinium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Pa: 2017[90]
92 U U: Uranium The time allocated for running scripts has expired. 1 The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. U: 1999[91]
93 Np Np: Neptunium - 3 Np: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
94 Pu Pu: Plutonium - 3 Pu: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
95 Am Am: Americium - 3 Am: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
96 Cm Cm: Curium - 3 Cm: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
97 Bk Bk: Berkelium - 3 Bk: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
98 Cf Cf: Californium - 3 Cf: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
99 Es Es: Einsteinium - 3 Es: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
100 Fm Fm: Fermium - 3 Fm: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
101 Md Md: Mendelevium - 3 Md: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
102 No No: Nobelium - 3 No: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
103 Lr Lr: Lawrencium - 3 Lr: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
104 Rf Rf: Rutherfordium - 3 Rf: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
105 Db Db: Dubnium - 3 Db: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
106 Sg Sg: Seaborgium - 3 Sg: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
107 Bh Bh: Bohrium - 3 Bh: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
108 Hs Hs: Hassium - 3 Hs: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
109 Mt Mt: Meitnerium - 3 Mt: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
110 Ds Ds: Darmstadtium - 3 Ds: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
111 Rg Rg: Roentgenium - 3 Rg: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
112 Cn Cn: Copernicium - 3 Cn: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
113 Nh Nh: Nihonium - 3 Nh: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
114 Fl Fl: Flerovium - 3 Fl: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
115 Mc Mc: Moscovium - 3 Mc: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
116 Lv Lv: Livermorium - 3 Lv: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
117 Ts Ts: Tennessine - 3 Ts: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
118 Og Og: Oganesson - 3 Og: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
119 Uue Uue: Ununennium - Uue:
120 Ubn Ubn: Unbinilium - Ubn:
121 Ubu Ubu: Unbiunium - Ubu:
122 Ubb Ubb: Unbibium - Ubb:
124 Ubq Ubq: Unbiquadium - Ubq:
126 Ubh Ubh: Unbihexium - Ubh:


  1. ^ Meija, Juris; et al. (2016). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. 88 (3): 265–91. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305.
  2. ^ Meija 2016, Table 1.
  3. ^ Meija 2016, Table 2.
  4. ^ Meija 2016, Table 3.
  5. ^ Meija 2016, Tables 2 and 3.
  6. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Mercury". CIAAW. 2011.
  7. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Hydrogen". CIAAW. 2009.
  8. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Helium". CIAAW. 1983.
  9. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Lithium". CIAAW. 2009.
  10. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Beryllium". CIAAW. 2013.
  11. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Boron". CIAAW. 2009.
  12. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Carbon". CIAAW. 2009.
  13. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Nitrogen". CIAAW. 2009.
  14. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Oxygen". CIAAW. 2009.
  15. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Fluorine". CIAAW. 2013.
  16. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Neon". CIAAW. 1985.
  17. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Sodium". CIAAW. 2005.
  18. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Magnesium". CIAAW. 2011.
  19. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Aluminium". CIAAW. 2017.
  20. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Silicon". CIAAW. 2009.
  21. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Phosphorus". CIAAW. 2013.
  22. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Sulfur". CIAAW. 2009.
  23. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Chlorine". CIAAW. 2009.
  24. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  25. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Argon". CIAAW. 2017.
  26. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Potassium". CIAAW. 1979.
  27. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Calcium". CIAAW. 1983.
  28. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Scandium". CIAAW. 2013.
  29. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Titanium". CIAAW. 1993.
  30. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Vanadium". CIAAW. 1977.
  31. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Chromium". CIAAW. 1983.
  32. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Manganese". CIAAW. 2017.
  33. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Iron". CIAAW. 1993.
  34. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Cobalt". CIAAW. 2017.
  35. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Nickel". CIAAW. 2007.
  36. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Copper". CIAAW. 1969.
  37. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Zinc". CIAAW. 2007.
  38. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Gallium". CIAAW. 1987.
  39. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Germanium". CIAAW. 2009.
  40. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Arsenic". CIAAW. 2013.
  41. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  42. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  43. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  44. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  45. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  46. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  47. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  48. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  49. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  50. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  51. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  52. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  53. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  54. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  55. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  56. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  57. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  58. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  59. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  60. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  61. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  62. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  63. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  64. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  65. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  66. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  67. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  68. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  69. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  70. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  71. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  72. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  73. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  74. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  75. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  76. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  77. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  78. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  79. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  80. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  81. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  82. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  83. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  84. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  85. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  86. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  87. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  88. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  89. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  90. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  91. ^ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

The time allocated for running scripts has expired.


  (This list: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.)

CIAAW may publish changes to atomic weights (including its precision and derived values). Since 1947, any update this is done in odd years nominally; the actual date of publication may be some time later.

  • 2009 {{CIAAW2009}} (introducing interval notation; Ge):
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  • 2019 (hafnium value changed): The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  • 2020* (lead value changed): The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
* "2020" is an inconsistent year for change publcation: CIAAW maintains that only odd years, changes are publicised.
Uncertainty handling

About handling the uncertainty in the values, including those in [ ] range values:

  • The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
Outdated references
  • {{CRC85}} ({{CRC85|chapter=11}}) &mdsh; Holden
  • The time allocated for running scripts has expired. -- broken/bad access
See also: {{Isotopes table/references}}

Data templates to update

secondary data

See also

The time allocated for running scripts has expired.