Template:Search deletion discussions
![]() | About Deleted Articles
There are three processes under which mainspace articles are deleted: 1) speedy deletion; 2) proposed deletion (prod) and 3) Articles for deletion (AfD). For more information, see WP:Why was my page deleted? To find out why the particular article you posted was deleted, go to the deletion log and type into the search field marked "title," the exact name of the article, mindful of the original capitalization, spelling and spacing. The deletion log entry will show when the article was deleted, by which administrator, and typically contain a deletion summary listing the reason for deletion. If you wish to contest this deletion, please contact the administrator first on their talk page and, depending on the circumstances, politely explain why you think the article should be restored, or why a copy should be provided to you so you can address the reason for deletion before reposting the article. If this is not fruitful, you have the option of listing the article at WP:Deletion review, but it will probably only be restored if the deletion was clearly improper. List Discussions WP:Articles for deletion WP:Categories for discussion WP:Copyright problems WP:Deletion review WP:Miscellany for deletion WP:Redirects for discussion WP:Stub types for deletion WP:Templates for discussion WP:WikiProject Deletion sorting WT:Articles for deletion WT:Categories for discussion WT:Copyright problems WT:Deletion review WT:Miscellany for deletion WT:Redirects for discussion WT:Stub types for deletion WT:Templates for discussion WT:WikiProject Deletion sorting | ![]() |
This template allows a person to search all deletion discussions to find all past discussions about an article.
What this template does
This template creates all the necessary prefixes to search all deletion discussions, and calls the "Search prefixes" templates with these parameters. It also includes some instructions particular to deleted articles to help a user which the user can display if they wish. They can also list the deletion areas searched.
can be used anywhere
{{Search deletion discussions | small = {{{small|}}} / left / yes }}
Note: The small parameters only have effect when the template is on an article, talk page or an "other" page. For documentation on the small parameters see {{ambox}}, {{tmbox}} and {{ombox}}. Using the small parameters when they are not valid has no effect, but also does no harm.