
Editing from this range has been disabled (blocked) by an administrator in response to abuse.
Editing by unregistered users from this IP address range has been blocked. In rare cases, usually in response to serious abuse, logged-in editing may also be blocked. An IP address range may in some cases be used by many people; if you believe that you are not the person this block is intended for, please follow the instructions below:
If you have an account: Please log in to edit. If you still cannot edit, place {{unblock}} on your talk page and make reference to this message. You may wish to ping the blocking administrator or email them via the "email this user" function.
If you do not have an account: Registered users are still able to edit. If you cannot create an account from this or another network, you may request that volunteers create your username for you. Please follow the instructions at Wikipedia:Request an account to request an account under your preferred username. It may take some time to process your request.
Administrators: Please consult the blocking administrator before altering or lifting this block, and consider consulting with a CheckUser before granting an IP block exemption to an editor using this range. Note that large or hard (logged-in editing blocked) rangeblocks are usually only made in response to serious abuse, and the blocking admin may have information about this block which is essential to reviewing any unblock request.
![]() | This template should not be substituted. |
{{Rangeblock|comments (optional)|sig=~~~~ (optional)|create=yes (optional)}}
Important: Only use |sig=~~~~
if you wish to sign the default blocking notice when used on a talk page. Remember that signatures are not substituted in the block reason field.
You are encouraged to use this template as a blocking reason whenever you are blocking an IP range due to sock puppetry or other long term abuse.
Please do not subst: this template as contact details may change in the future. This template was designed especially for use as a block reason as readers frequently attempt to email us before they even read their IP address's talk page.
allows you to specify if you have allowed account creation from the IP/range, and therefore directs them to the create account page.
See also
- {{Anonblock}}, non-sock puppetry or LTA related blocks of single IPs or ranges
- {{School block}}
- {{Repeated IP abuse}}, tag for repeated abuse from an IP address