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This template is used to convert the Indian unit crore into standard Western notation. This template uses the {{formatnum:}} magic word.


{{crore | n | r= | nosep= }}
  • n is the number of crore
  • r – Option to remove separators from input numbers: 1,000 → 1000
  • nosep – Option to remove separators from the output result

These two parameters correspond to the R and NOSEP options for the {{formatnum:}} parser function.


{{crore | 1}}: 10,000,000

{{crore | 10 | nosep=1}}: 100000000

{{crore | 1,000 | r=1}}: 10,000,000,000

{{crore | 1,000 | r=1 | nosep=1}}: 10000000000

Combine with {{Number to words}}: {{number to words|{{crore | 100 | nosep=1}}}}: one billion

See also