![]() | This is a documentation subpage for Template:Choropleth world map. It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page. |
![]() | This template is rated as alpha. It is ready for third party input, and may be used on a few pages to see if problems arise, but should be watched. Suggestions for new features or changes in their input and output mechanisms are welcome. |
This template creates an interactive world choropleth map, indicating some statistical value with different colors for different countries. A tooltip with country data is shown when the mouse is over a country.
{{Choropleth world map | title=Net official development assistance and official aid (ODA) received in 2019 |
<graph mode="interactive"> { //TODO remove the year variables, which are a hangover from the source version which generated a slider for seeing multiple year values "width": 600, "height": 250, "signals": [ { "name": "initYear", "init": 2019 }, { "name": "gapHeight", "init": 0 }, { // Hide overview if total height is too small "name": "showOverview", "init": {"expr": "true || height < (gapHeight + 0)" } }, { "name": "overviewHeight", "init": {"expr": "showOverview ? 0 : 0" } }, { "name": "detailHeight", "init": {"expr": "height - (showOverview ? overviewHeight + gapHeight : 0)" } }, { "name": "overviewYPos", "init": {"expr": "height - overviewHeight" } }, { "name": "mapXC", "init": {"expr": "width/2"} }, { "name": "mapYC", "init": {"expr": "overviewYPos/2"} }, { "name": "brush_start", "streams": [{ "type": "@overview:mousedown, @overview:touchstart", "expr": "clamp(eventX(), 0, width)", "scale": {"name": "xOverview", "invert": true} }] }, { "name": "brush_end", "streams": [{ "type": "@overview:mousedown, [@overview:mousedown, window:mouseup] > window:mousemove, @overview:mouseup, @overview:touchstart, [@overview:touchstart, window:touchend] > window:touchmove, @overview:touchend", "expr": "clamp(eventX(), 0, width)", "scale": {"name": "xOverview", "invert": true} }] }, { "name": "fromYear", "init": {"expr": "initYear"}, "expr": "year(min(brush_start, brush_end))" }, { "name": "toYear", "init": {"expr": "initYear"}, "expr": "year(max(brush_start, brush_end))" }, { "name": "isRange", "init": {"expr": "false"}, "expr": "fromYear !== toYear" }, { "name": "tooltip", "init": {"expr": "{x: 0, y: 0, datum: false }"}, "streams": [ {"type": "@map:mouseout, @map:touchstart", "expr": "{x: 0, y: 0, datum: false }" }, {"type": "@map:mouseover, @map:touchstart", "expr": "{x: eventX(), y: eventY(), datum: eventItem().datum.lookup}" } ] } ], "data": [{ "name": "data", "url": "tabular:///Sandbox/mrmedley/OdaReceived2019.tab", "format": {"type": "json", "property": "data"}, "transform": [ { "type": "formula", "field": "value", "expr": "datum.oda_received" } ] },{ "name": "totals", "source": "data", "transform": [ { "type": "aggregate", "groupby": ["year"], "summarize": [{"field": "value", "ops": ["sum"], "as": ["total"]}] }, { "type": "formula", "field": "date", "expr": "datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)" } ] },{ // Select just the source data for the starting year "name": "firstYearData", "source": "data", "transform": [{"type": "filter", "test": "datum.year === fromYear"}] },{ // Select just the source data for the ending year "name": "yearData", "source": "data", "transform": [{ "type": "filter", "test": "datum.year === toYear" },{ "type": "sort", "by": ["-value"] },{ "type": "rank", "field": "country" },{ "type": "lookup", "on": "firstYearData", "onKey": "country", "keys": ["country"], "as": ["firstYear"], "default": null },{ "type": "formula", "field": "calc", "expr": "if(isRange, (datum.value - datum.firstYear.value)/datum.firstYear.value, datum.value)" }] },{ "name": "mapData", "url": "map:///Naturalearthdata.com/admin-0-countries-no-antarctica.map", "format": {"type": "json", "property": "data.features"}, "transform": [{ "type": "geopath", "projection": "equirectangular", "scale": 108, "translate": [{"expr": "mapXC"}, {"expr": "mapYC"}] },{ "type": "formula", "field": "my_id", "expr": "datum.properties.iso_a3 || datum.properties.adm0_a3" },{ "type": "lookup", "on": "yearData", "onKey": "country", "keys": ["my_id"], "as": ["lookup"], "default": 100 }] },{ "name": "dummyValue", "values": [{}] }], "scales": [{ "name": "color", "type": "sqrt", "domain": {"data": "yearData", "field": "calc"}, "range": ["#eee", "#c00000"], "zero": false, "clamp": true },{ "name": "diffColor", "type": "linear", "domain": [-1, -0.8, -0.6, -0.3, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 1], "range": ["#313695", "#4575b4", "#74add1", "#abd9e9", "#e0f3f8", "#ffffbf", "#fee090", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027", "#a50026"], "zero": false, "clamp": true },{ "name": "xOverview", "type": "time", "range": "width", "domain": {"data": "totals", "field": "date"} },{ "name": "yOverview", "type": "linear", "rangeMin": {"signal": "overviewHeight"}, "nice": true, "zero": false, "domain": {"data": "totals", "field": "total"} }], "marks": [{ "type": "group", "name": "detail", "properties": { "enter": { "height": {"signal": "detailHeight"}, "width": {"signal": "width"} } }, "marks": [{ "name": "map", "type": "path", "from": {"data": "mapData"}, "properties": { "enter": { "stroke": {"value": "#fff"}, "path": {"field": "layout_path"} }, "update": { "fill": [ {"test": "isRange", "field": "lookup.calc", "scale": "diffColor"}, {"field": "lookup.calc", "scale": "color"} ], "stroke": {"value": "#fff"} }, "hover": {"fill": {"value": "#989898"}, "stroke": {"value": "#000"} } } }] }, { "name": "tooltip", "type": "group", "from": { "data": "dummyValue", "transform": [ {"type": "filter", "test": "tooltip.datum && tooltip.datum.calc"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "offsetX", "expr": "5"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "offsetY", "expr": "30"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "tipWidth", "expr": "200"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "tipHeight", "expr": "51"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "alignLeft", "expr": "tooltip.x > width - 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{{Choropleth world map | title=CO2 Per Capita |
<graph mode="interactive"> { //TODO remove the year variables, which are a hangover from the source version which generated a slider for seeing multiple year values "width": 600, "height": 250, "signals": [ { "name": "initYear", "init": 2017 }, { "name": "gapHeight", "init": 0 }, { // Hide overview if total height is too small "name": "showOverview", "init": {"expr": "true || height < (gapHeight + 0)" } }, { "name": "overviewHeight", "init": {"expr": "showOverview ? 0 : 0" } }, { "name": "detailHeight", "init": {"expr": "height - (showOverview ? overviewHeight + gapHeight : 0)" } }, { "name": "overviewYPos", "init": {"expr": "height - overviewHeight" } }, { "name": "mapXC", "init": {"expr": "width/2"} }, { "name": "mapYC", "init": {"expr": "overviewYPos/2"} }, { "name": "brush_start", "streams": [{ "type": "@overview:mousedown, @overview:touchstart", "expr": "clamp(eventX(), 0, width)", "scale": {"name": "xOverview", "invert": true} }] }, { "name": "brush_end", "streams": [{ "type": "@overview:mousedown, [@overview:mousedown, window:mouseup] > window:mousemove, @overview:mouseup, @overview:touchstart, [@overview:touchstart, window:touchend] > window:touchmove, @overview:touchend", "expr": "clamp(eventX(), 0, width)", "scale": {"name": "xOverview", "invert": true} }] }, { "name": "fromYear", "init": {"expr": "initYear"}, "expr": "year(min(brush_start, brush_end))" }, { "name": "toYear", "init": {"expr": "initYear"}, "expr": "year(max(brush_start, brush_end))" }, { "name": "isRange", "init": {"expr": "false"}, "expr": "fromYear !== toYear" }, { "name": "tooltip", "init": {"expr": "{x: 0, y: 0, datum: false }"}, "streams": [ {"type": "@map:mouseout, @map:touchstart", "expr": "{x: 0, y: 0, datum: false }" }, {"type": "@map:mouseover, @map:touchstart", "expr": "{x: eventX(), y: eventY(), datum: eventItem().datum.lookup}" } ] } ], "data": [{ "name": "data", "url": "tabular:///CO2PerCapita.tab", "format": {"type": "json", "property": "data"}, "transform": [ { "type": "formula", "field": "value", "expr": "datum.tonnes" } ] },{ "name": "totals", "source": "data", "transform": [ { "type": "aggregate", "groupby": ["year"], "summarize": [{"field": "value", "ops": ["sum"], "as": ["total"]}] }, { "type": "formula", "field": "date", "expr": "datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)" } ] },{ // Select just the source data for the starting year "name": "firstYearData", "source": "data", "transform": [{"type": "filter", "test": "datum.year === fromYear"}] },{ // Select just the source data for the ending year "name": "yearData", "source": "data", "transform": [{ "type": "filter", "test": "datum.year === toYear" },{ "type": "sort", "by": ["-value"] },{ "type": "rank", "field": "country" },{ "type": "lookup", "on": "firstYearData", "onKey": "country", "keys": ["country"], "as": ["firstYear"], "default": null },{ "type": "formula", "field": "calc", "expr": "if(isRange, (datum.value - datum.firstYear.value)/datum.firstYear.value, datum.value)" }] },{ "name": "mapData", "url": "map:///Naturalearthdata.com/admin-0-countries-no-antarctica.map", "format": {"type": "json", "property": "data.features"}, "transform": [{ "type": "geopath", "projection": "equirectangular", "scale": 108, "translate": [{"expr": "mapXC"}, {"expr": "mapYC"}] },{ "type": "formula", "field": "my_id", "expr": "datum.properties.iso_a3 || datum.properties.adm0_a3" },{ "type": "lookup", "on": "yearData", "onKey": "country", "keys": ["my_id"], "as": ["lookup"], "default": 100 }] },{ "name": "dummyValue", "values": [{}] }], "scales": [{ "name": "color", "type": "sqrt", "domain": {"data": "yearData", "field": "calc"}, "range": ["#eee", "#c00000"], "zero": false, "clamp": true },{ "name": "diffColor", "type": "linear", "domain": [-1, -0.8, -0.6, -0.3, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 1], "range": ["#313695", "#4575b4", "#74add1", "#abd9e9", "#e0f3f8", "#ffffbf", "#fee090", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027", "#a50026"], "zero": false, "clamp": true },{ "name": "xOverview", "type": "time", "range": "width", "domain": {"data": "totals", "field": "date"} },{ "name": "yOverview", "type": "linear", "rangeMin": {"signal": "overviewHeight"}, "nice": true, "zero": false, "domain": {"data": "totals", "field": "total"} }], "marks": [{ "type": "group", "name": "detail", "properties": { "enter": { "height": {"signal": "detailHeight"}, "width": {"signal": "width"} } }, "marks": [{ "name": "map", "type": "path", "from": {"data": "mapData"}, "properties": { "enter": { "stroke": {"value": "#fff"}, "path": {"field": "layout_path"} }, "update": { "fill": [ {"test": "isRange", "field": "lookup.calc", "scale": "diffColor"}, {"field": "lookup.calc", "scale": "color"} ], "stroke": {"value": "#fff"} }, "hover": {"fill": {"value": "#989898"}, "stroke": {"value": "#000"} } } }] }, { "name": "tooltip", "type": "group", "from": { "data": "dummyValue", "transform": [ {"type": "filter", "test": "tooltip.datum && tooltip.datum.calc"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "offsetX", "expr": "5"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "offsetY", "expr": "30"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "tipWidth", "expr": "200"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "tipHeight", "expr": "51"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "alignLeft", "expr": "tooltip.x > width - 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{{Choropleth world map | title=Share of the population infected with HIV |
<graph mode="interactive"> { //TODO remove the year variables, which are a hangover from the source version which generated a slider for seeing multiple year values "width": 600, "height": 250, "signals": [ { "name": "initYear", "init": 2017 }, { "name": "gapHeight", "init": 0 }, { // Hide overview if total height is too small "name": "showOverview", "init": {"expr": "true || height < (gapHeight + 0)" } }, { "name": "overviewHeight", "init": {"expr": "showOverview ? 0 : 0" } }, { "name": "detailHeight", "init": {"expr": "height - (showOverview ? overviewHeight + gapHeight : 0)" } }, { "name": "overviewYPos", "init": {"expr": "height - overviewHeight" } }, { "name": "mapXC", "init": {"expr": "width/2"} }, { "name": "mapYC", "init": {"expr": "overviewYPos/2"} }, { "name": "brush_start", "streams": [{ "type": "@overview:mousedown, @overview:touchstart", "expr": "clamp(eventX(), 0, width)", "scale": {"name": "xOverview", "invert": true} }] }, { "name": "brush_end", "streams": [{ "type": "@overview:mousedown, [@overview:mousedown, window:mouseup] > window:mousemove, @overview:mouseup, @overview:touchstart, [@overview:touchstart, window:touchend] > window:touchmove, @overview:touchend", "expr": "clamp(eventX(), 0, width)", "scale": {"name": "xOverview", "invert": true} }] }, { "name": "fromYear", "init": {"expr": "initYear"}, "expr": "year(min(brush_start, brush_end))" }, { "name": "toYear", "init": {"expr": "initYear"}, "expr": "year(max(brush_start, brush_end))" }, { "name": "isRange", "init": {"expr": "false"}, "expr": "fromYear !== toYear" }, { "name": "tooltip", "init": {"expr": "{x: 0, y: 0, datum: false }"}, "streams": [ {"type": "@map:mouseout, @map:touchstart", "expr": "{x: 0, y: 0, datum: false }" }, {"type": "@map:mouseover, @map:touchstart", "expr": "{x: eventX(), y: eventY(), datum: eventItem().datum.lookup}" } ] } ], "data": [{ "name": "data", "url": "tabular:///HIV_rates.tab", "format": {"type": "json", "property": "data"}, "transform": [ { "type": "formula", "field": "value", "expr": "datum.HIV_rate" } ] },{ "name": "totals", "source": "data", "transform": [ { "type": "aggregate", "groupby": ["year"], "summarize": [{"field": "value", "ops": ["sum"], "as": ["total"]}] }, { "type": "formula", "field": "date", "expr": "datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)" } ] },{ // Select just the source data for the starting year "name": "firstYearData", "source": "data", "transform": [{"type": "filter", "test": "datum.year === fromYear"}] },{ // Select just the source data for the ending year "name": "yearData", "source": "data", "transform": [{ "type": "filter", "test": "datum.year === toYear" },{ "type": "sort", "by": ["-value"] },{ "type": "rank", "field": "country" },{ "type": "lookup", "on": "firstYearData", "onKey": "country", "keys": ["country"], "as": ["firstYear"], "default": null },{ "type": "formula", "field": "calc", "expr": "if(isRange, (datum.value - datum.firstYear.value)/datum.firstYear.value, datum.value)" }] },{ "name": "mapData", "url": "map:///Naturalearthdata.com/admin-0-countries-no-antarctica.map", "format": {"type": "json", "property": "data.features"}, "transform": [{ "type": "geopath", "projection": "equirectangular", "scale": 108, "translate": [{"expr": "mapXC"}, {"expr": "mapYC"}] },{ "type": "formula", "field": "my_id", "expr": "datum.properties.iso_a3 || datum.properties.adm0_a3" },{ "type": "lookup", "on": "yearData", "onKey": "country", "keys": ["my_id"], "as": ["lookup"], "default": 100 }] },{ "name": "dummyValue", "values": [{}] }], "scales": [{ "name": "color", "type": "sqrt", "domain": {"data": "yearData", "field": "calc"}, "range": ["#eee", "#c00000"], "zero": false, "clamp": true },{ "name": "diffColor", "type": "linear", "domain": [-1, -0.8, -0.6, -0.3, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 1], "range": ["#313695", "#4575b4", "#74add1", "#abd9e9", "#e0f3f8", "#ffffbf", "#fee090", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027", "#a50026"], "zero": false, "clamp": true },{ "name": "xOverview", "type": "time", "range": "width", "domain": {"data": "totals", "field": "date"} },{ "name": "yOverview", "type": "linear", "rangeMin": {"signal": "overviewHeight"}, "nice": true, "zero": false, "domain": {"data": "totals", "field": "total"} }], "marks": [{ "type": "group", "name": "detail", "properties": { "enter": { "height": {"signal": "detailHeight"}, "width": {"signal": "width"} } }, "marks": [{ "name": "map", "type": "path", "from": {"data": "mapData"}, "properties": { "enter": { "stroke": {"value": "#fff"}, "path": {"field": "layout_path"} }, "update": { "fill": [ {"test": "isRange", "field": "lookup.calc", "scale": "diffColor"}, {"field": "lookup.calc", "scale": "color"} ], "stroke": {"value": "#fff"} }, "hover": {"fill": {"value": "#989898"}, "stroke": {"value": "#000"} } } }] }, { "name": "tooltip", "type": "group", "from": { "data": "dummyValue", "transform": [ {"type": "filter", "test": "tooltip.datum && tooltip.datum.calc"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "offsetX", "expr": "5"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "offsetY", "expr": "30"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "tipWidth", "expr": "200"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "tipHeight", "expr": "51"}, {"type": "formula", "field": "alignLeft", "expr": "tooltip.x > width - 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Dataset format
The dataset should be stored at Wikimedia commons, in the Data namespace, as a tabular data (.tab) file. Currently, the file format should be JSON, representing a three column table, where the first column is the three-letter ISO country code, the second is the year and the third is the value. In the future, CSV-files may be possible.
- Download a .csv file, for example from https://ourworldindata.org
- Trim to three columns in a spreadsheet program
- Upload it at https://www.csvjson.com/csv2json . Select "parse numbers".
- Copy the json output and paste it into Notepad. Find and replace { with [, and "Country:" with nothing
- Paste this data below the heading data, at for example [:commons:Data:Child Mortality.tab]
Be aware of some minor bugs.
See also
- {{Graph:Map}}
- {{Global Heat Maps by Year}}