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For individuals

  • type=person
  • id (from the URL)
  • name (Surname, Forename)
  • year1 (start year)
  • year2 (end year)
  • accessed

For example,

{{CCEd |type=person |id=21583 |name=Andrewes, Lancelot |year1=1580 |year2=1609 |accessed=5 May 2024 }}

Results in

"Andrewes, Lancelot (1580–1609) (CCEd Person ID 21583)". The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540–1835. Retrieved 5 May 2024.

The start and end year parameters may be omitted if desired.

For bishops

  • type=bishop
  • id (from the URL)
  • name (Surname, Forename)
  • title (usually Bishop of Somewhere)
  • accessed

For example,

{{CCEd |type=bishop |id=161 |name=Andrewes, Lancelot |title=Bishop of Chichester |accessed=5 May 2024 }}

Results in

"Andrewes, Lancelot (Bishop of Chichester) (CCEd Bishop ID 161)". The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540–1835. Retrieved 5 May 2024.

For locations

  • type=location
  • id (from the URL)
  • name (e.g. Cathedral Office: St Paul's Cathedral, Penitentiary)
  • accessed

For example,

{{CCEd |type=location |id=233026 |name=Cathedral Office: St Paul's Cathedral, Penitentiary |accessed=5 May 2024 }}

Results in

"Cathedral Office: St Paul's Cathedral, Penitentiary (CCEd Location ID 233026)". The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540–1835. Retrieved 5 May 2024.

For appointments

  • type=appointment
  • id (from the URL)
  • name (Surname, Forename)
  • location (e.g. Lambeth)
  • accessed

For example,

{{CCEd |type=appointment |id=257020 |name=Porteus, Beilby |location=Lambeth |accessed=5 May 2024 }}

Results in

"Porteus, Beilby (at Lambeth) (CCEd Appointment ID 257020)". The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540–1835. Retrieved 5 May 2024.

For ordination

  • type=ordination
  • id (from the URL)
  • name (Surname, Forename)
  • accessed

For example,

{{CCEd |type=ordination |id=140361 |name=Barrington, Shute |accessed=5 May 2024 }}

Results in

"Barrington, Shute (CCEd Ordination ID 140361)". The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540–1835. Retrieved 5 May 2024.