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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Signpost/index/2022/doc

return {
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Arbitration report",
		title = "New arbitrators look at new case and antediluvian sanctions",
		tags = {"arbitrationreport"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Black History Month",
		title = "What are you doing for Black History Month?",
		tags = {"bias"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Crossword",
		title = "Cross swords with a crossword",
		tags = {},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Deletion report",
		title = "Ringing in the new year: Subject notability guideline under discussion",
		tags = {"afd"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Essay",
		title = "The prime directive",
		tags = {"essay"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Gallery",
		title = "No Spanish municipality without a photograph",
		tags = {"gallery"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "In the media",
		title = "Fuzzy-headed government editing",
		tags = {"inthemedia", "paidadvocacy"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Interview",
		title = "CEO Maryana Iskander \"four weeks in\"",
		tags = {"foundation", "interviews", "maryanaiskander"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "News and notes",
		title = "Feedback for Board of Trustees election",
		tags = {"administrator", "board", "chinesewikipedia", "foundation", "newsandnotes"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Obituary",
		title = "Twofingered Typist",
		tags = {},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Op-Ed",
		title = "Identifying and rooting out climate change denial",
		tags = {"opinion"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Opinion",
		title = "Should the Wikimedia Foundation continue to accept cryptocurrency donations?",
		tags = {"foundation", "opinion"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Recent research",
		title = "Articles with higher quality ratings have fewer \"knowledge gaps\"",
		tags = {"goodarticles", "recentresearch", "research"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Serendipity",
		title = "Pooh entered the Public Domain – but Tigger has to wait two more years",
		tags = {},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Special report",
		title = "WikiEd course leads to Twitter harassment",
		tags = {"education", "specialreport"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "Traffic report",
		title = "The most viewed articles of 2021",
		tags = {"statistics", "traffic", "trafficreport"},
		date = "2022-01-30",
		subpage = "WikiProject report",
		title = "The Forgotten Featured",
		tags = {"articleassessment", "wikiprojectreport", "wikiprojects"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Arbitration report",
		title = "Parties remonstrate, arbs contemplate, skeptics coordinate",
		tags = {"arbitrationreport"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "By the numbers",
		title = "Does birthplace affect the frequency of Wikipedia biography articles?",
		tags = {"biography", "frenchwikipedia"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Crossword",
		title = "A Crossword, featuring Featured Articles",
		tags = {"crossword"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Deletion report",
		title = "The 10 most SHOCKING deletion discussions of February",
		tags = {"afd"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Featured content",
		title = "Featured Content returns",
		tags = {"featuredcontent"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "From the team",
		title = "Selection of a new Signpost Editor-in-Chief",
		tags = {"fromtheeditor"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Gallery",
		title = "The vintage exhibit",
		tags = {"gallery"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Humour",
		title = "Notability of mailboxes",
		tags = {"humour"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "In the media",
		title = "Wiki-drama in the UK House of Commons",
		tags = {"coi", "foundation", "inthemedia"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "News and notes",
		title = "Impacts of Russian invasion of Ukraine",
		tags = {"newsandnotes"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "News from Diff",
		title = "The Wikimania 2022 Core Organizing Team",
		tags = {"foundation"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Opinion",
		title = "Why student editors are good for Wikipedia",
		tags = {"education", "opinion"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Recent research",
		title = "How editors and readers may be emotionally affected by disasters and terrorist attacks",
		tags = {"recentresearch", "research"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Serendipity",
		title = "War photographers: from Crimea (1850s) to the Russian invasion of Ukraine (2022)",
		tags = {"gallery"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Special report",
		title = "A presidential candidate's team takes on Wikipedia",
		tags = {"coi", "frenchwikipedia", "specialreport"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Technology report",
		title = "Community Wishlist Survey results",
		tags = {"foundation", "tech", "technologyreport"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "Traffic report",
		title = "Euphoria, Pamela Anderson, lies and Netflix",
		tags = {"statistics", "traffic", "trafficreport"},
		date = "2022-02-27",
		subpage = "WikiProject report",
		title = "10 years of tea",
		tags = {"wikiprojectreport", "wikiprojects"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Arbitration report",
		title = "Skeptics given heavenly judgement, whirlwind of Discord drama begins to spin for tropical cyclone editors",
		tags = {"arbcom", "arbitrationreport"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Deletion report",
		title = "Ukraine, werewolves, Ukraine, YouTube pundits, and Ukraine",
		tags = {"mfd", "russia", "ukraine"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Discussion report",
		title = "Athletes are less notable now",
		tags = {"discussionreport", "mfd", "nsport", "ukraine", "universalcodeofconduct"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Disinformation report",
		title = "The oligarchs' socks",
		tags = {"coi", "paidadvocacy", "russia"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Essay",
		title = "Yes, the sky is blue",
		tags = {"essay", "verifiability"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Eyewitness Wikimedian – Kharkiv, Ukraine",
		title = "Countering Russian aggression with a camera",
		tags = {"opinion", "russia", "ukraine"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Eyewitness Wikimedian – Vinnytsia, Ukraine",
		title = "War diary",
		tags = {"opinion", "russia", "ukraine"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Eyewitness Wikimedian – Western Ukraine",
		title = "Working with Wikipedia helps",
		tags = {"opinion", "russia", "ukraine"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "From the archives",
		title = "Burn, baby burn",
		tags = {"backup", "fromthearchives"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "From the Signpost team",
		title = "We stand in solidarity with Ukraine",
		tags = {"fromtheeditor", "ukraine"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Gallery",
		title = "\"All we are saying is, give peace a chance...\"",
		tags = {"gallery", "russia", "ukraine"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "In the media",
		title = "Ukraine, Russia, and even some other stuff",
		tags = {"inthemedia", "russia", "russianwikipedia", "ukraine", "ukrainianwikipedia"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "News and notes",
		title = "Of safety and anonymity",
		tags = {"jimmywales", "newsandnotes", "russia", "russianwikipedia", "ukraine", "universalcodeofconduct"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "On the bright side",
		title = "The bright side of news",
		tags = {"poland", "russia", "ukraine"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Recent research",
		title = "Top scholarly citers, lack of open access references, predicting editor departures",
		tags = {"chinesewikipedia", "openaccess", "recentresearch", "research", "wikidata"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Technology report",
		title = "2022 Wikimedia Hackathon",
		tags = {"bot", "foundation", "hackathon", "script", "tech", "technologyreport", "vector2022"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Tips and tricks",
		title = "Become a keyboard ninja",
		tags = {"mediawiki", "regex", "wiktionary"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Traffic report",
		title = "War, what is it good for?",
		tags = {"russia", "statistics", "traffic", "trafficreport", "ukraine"},
		date = "2022-03-27",
		subpage = "Wikimedian perspective",
		title = "My heroes from Russia, Ukraine & beyond",
		tags = {"gallery", "russia", "ukraine"},