Module:In lang
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![]() | This Lua module is used on approximately 341,000 pages, or roughly 851% of all pages. To avoid major disruption and server load, any changes should be tested in the module's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own module sandbox. The tested changes can be added to this page in a single edit. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
![]() | This module depends on the following other modules: |
This module implements {{In lang}}
require ('Module:No globals');
--[[--------------------------< _ I N _ L A N G >--------------------------------------------------------------
implements {{in lang}}
Module entry point from another module
|link=yes - creates wikilinked language names
|template=<template name> - customizes error messages created by Module:lang
|list-cats=yes - documentation tool returns language-category names of cats populated by this template
<span class="languageicon">(in <language>)</span>
local function _in_lang (args)
local synonym_table = mw.loadData ('Module:Lang/ISO 639 synonyms'); -- ISO 639-2/639-2T code translation to 639-1 code
local list_cats = 'yes' == args['list-cats']; -- make a boolean
local list = {};
local cats = {};
local maint_msgs = {};
if not args[1] then
local template = (args['template'] and table.concat ({'{{', args['template'], '}}: '})) or ''; -- make template name (if provided by the template)
return table.concat ({'<span style=\"color:#d33\">error: ', template, 'missing language tag</span>'});
local module = 'Module:Lang' .. (mw.getCurrentFrame():getTitle():match ('/sandbox') or ''); -- if this module is the sandbox,
local name_from_tag = require (module)._name_from_tag; -- use Module:Lang/sandbox; Module:Lang else
local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace; -- used for categorization
local this_wiki_lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage().code; -- get this wiki's language code
for i, lang in ipairs (args) do
local code = args[i]:lower();
local t = {code, ['link'] = args['link'], ['template'] = args['template']}; -- build an 'args' table
lang = name_from_tag (t) -- get the language name
table.insert (list, lang) -- add this language or error message to the list
if not ({['ca-valencia'] = true, ['gsw-fr'] = true, ['pt-br'] = true})[code] then -- except for these exact IETF tags; TODO: a better way/place to do this?
code = code:match ('^%a%a%a?%f[^%a]'); -- strip off region, script, and variant tags so that they aren't used to make category names
if synonym_table[code] then -- if 639-2/639-2T code has a 639-1 synonym
if (0 == namespace) and not list_cats then -- when listing cats don't include this cat; TODO: right choice?
table.insert (cats, table.concat ({'[[Category:Lang and lang-xx code promoted to ISO 639-1|', code ..']]'}));
table.insert (maint_msgs, ' <span class="lang-comment" style="font-style:normal; display:none; color:#33aa33; margin-left:0.3em">')
table.insert (maint_msgs, table.concat ({'code: ', code, ' promoted to code: ', synonym_table[code]}));
table.insert (maint_msgs, '</span>;');
code = synonym_table[code]; -- use the synonym
if (0 == namespace) or list_cats then -- when in article space
if lang:find ('[Ee]rror') then -- add error category (message provided by Module:Lang)
if not list_cats then -- don't include this cat when listing cats; TODO: right choice?
table.insert (cats, '[[Category:in lang template errors]]');
elseif this_wiki_lang ~= code then -- categorize article only when code is not this wiki's language code
if lang:match ('%[%[.-|.-%]%]') then -- wikilinked individual language name
lang = lang:match ('%[%[.-|(.-)%]%]');
elseif lang:match ('%[%[.-%]%]') then -- wikilinked collective languages name
lang = lang:match ('%[%[(.-)%]%]');
end -- neither of these then plain-text language name
if lang:find ('languages') then -- add appropriate language-name category
table.insert (cats, table.concat ({'[[Category:Articles with ', lang, '-collective sources (', code, ')]]'}));
table.insert (cats, table.concat ({'[[Category:Articles with ', lang, '-language sources (', code, ')]]'}));
if list_cats then
local cats = table.concat (cats, ', '):gsub ('[%[%]]', ''); -- make a string of categories and then strip wikilink markup
return cats
local result = {'<span class="languageicon">('}; -- opening span and (
table.insert (result, 'yes' == args['cap'] and 'In ' or 'in '); -- add capitalized or uncapitalized 'in'
table.insert (result, mw.text.listToText (list, ', ', (2 < #list) and ', and ' or ' and ' )); -- and concatenate the language list
table.insert (result, ')</span>'); -- add closing ) and closing span
table.insert (result, table.concat (maint_msgs) or ''); -- add maint messages, if any
table.insert (result, table.concat (cats)); -- add categories
return table.concat (result); -- make a big string and done
--[[--------------------------< I N _ L A N G >----------------------------------------------------------------
implements {{in lang}}
Module entry point from an {{#invoke:lang/utilities/sanbox|in_lang|<code>|<code2>|<code3>|<code...>|link=yes|template=in lang|list-cats=yes}}
local function in_lang (frame)
local args = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs (frame);
return _in_lang (args);
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------
return {
in_lang = in_lang, -- module entry from {{#invoke:}}
_in_lang = _in_lang, -- module entry from another module