This template may meet Wikipedia's criteria for speedy deletion, but no reason has been given for why it qualifies. Please ensure that your reason is based on one of the speedy deletion criteria. Replace this tag with {{db|1=some reason}} .
If this template does not meet the criteria for speedy deletion, or you intend to fix it, please remove this notice, but do not remove this notice from pages that you have created yourself. If you created this page and you disagree with the given reason for deletion, you can click the button below and leave a message explaining why you believe it should not be deleted. You can also visit the talk page to check if you have received a response to your message. Note that this template may be deleted at any time if it unquestionably meets the speedy deletion criteria, or if an explanation posted to the talk page is found to be insufficient.
Note to page author: you have not edited the talk page yet. If you wish to contest this speedy deletion, clicking the button above will allow you to leave a talk page message explaining why you think this template should not be deleted. If you have already posted to the talk page but this message is still showing up, try purging the page cache. This page was last edited by [[User:Wikipedia>Paine Ellsworth|Wikipedia>Paine Ellsworth]] ([[Special:Contributions/Wikipedia>Paine Ellsworth|contribs]] | [[Special:Log/Wikipedia>Paine Ellsworth|logs]]) at 07:59, 26 December 2020 (UTC) (4 years ago) |
![]() | If you plan to make breaking changes to this template, move it, or nominate it for deletion, please notify Twinkle's users and maintainers at Wikipedia talk:Twinkle as a courtesy, as this template is used in the standard installation of Twinkle. Thank you! |
![]() | This template should not be substituted. |
Speedy deletion templates |
This template (db = "delete because") is a generic speedy deletion template, used to nominate pages for speedy deletion when the reason for deletion requires further details than those provided by the criterion-specific templates (full list at WP:CSD).
- This template places the page into Category:Candidates for speedy deletion and Category:Candidates for speedy deletion for unspecified reason.
- Do not edit this template to discuss why a particular article should or should not be deleted – for that, use the article’s own discussion page.
- Use this template to explain why the page meets the criteria for speedy deletion. Each speedy deletion criterion has its own template; however, if the explanation required for deletion extends beyond a mere quoting of a criterion, use this template to write a custom speedy deletion request.
- Using
will produce the speedy deletion template shown above, except that in the place of "no reason has been given", your reason will be placed. If no reason is given, however, the text "no reason has been given" will be displayed. - If you wish to include a URL in the deletion reason that includes an equal sign ("="), use the following syntax:
. This applies to any equal sign, but especially ones in URLs. - If you wish to include a vertical bar ("|") that is not part of a template as part of your deletion reason, use
instead. If the vertical bar is part of a template, however, such as{{tl}}
, display it normally. - Use
if you are the creator and only substantial contributor to the page.
See also
Other types of deletion templates:
Generic speedy deletion template
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Reason | 1 | Reason for deletion | Unknown | optional |
Bot | bot | Whether a bot added the template | Unknown | optional |
Help | help | Determines if deletion "help" menu is visible | Unknown | optional |
No Category | nocat | Whether to categorize the template in a deletion category (keep off for demo purposes) | Unknown | optional |
Category | category | Additional category to place the template in | Unknown | optional |