
< Template:MathWorld
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This template is used for links or references to https://mathworld.wolfram.com/


{{MathWorld |id= |title= |author= |access-date= |ref= }}

where all parameters must be in title case.


  1. |id= - e.g.: GammaFunction
  2. |title= - e.g.: Gamma Function; defaults to page name
  3. |author= (optional) e.g.: John Doe (default is Eric Wolfgang Weisstein)
  4. |access-date= - for use in citations
  5. |ref= - to mark a reference anchor name to match {{sfn}}-style references
  6. |mode= - "cs1" (the default) or "cs2" for Citation Style 1 or Citation Style 2

HTML anchor

The template uses a HTML anchor of #Reference-Mathworld-(article name). Thus, to reference a MathWorld article entitled "Gigantic Prime" using Harvard style references, use ([[#Reference-Mathworld-Gigantic Prime|Weisstein]]) which will display as: (Weisstein). When clicked, the link is to the reference in the following example.



  • Code: {{MathWorld |title=Gigantic Prime |id=GiganticPrime |access-date={{subst:TODAY}}}}
Output: Weisstein, Eric W. "Gigantic Prime". MathWorld. Retrieved 26 March 2025.


Compare with:

  • Code:{{MathWorld2 |title=Gigantic Prime |id=GiganticPrime |access-date={{subst:TODAY}}}}
Output: Eric W. Weisstein, Gigantic Prime ({{{title2}}}) at MathWorld.

See also