< Module:Infobox
Revision as of 09:55, 4 June 2021 by Wikipedia>Trappist the monk
This module is intended to be a repository for miscellaneous utility functions that support various infoboxes.
- for
{{Infobox U.S. congressional district}}
– sorts the various distribution parameters and renders an unbulleted list of sameethnicity_sort()
– sorts the various ethnicity parameters and renders an unbulleted list of sameoccupation_sort()
– sorts the various occupation parameters and renders an unbulleted list of same
- for
{{Infobox book}}
– used to ensure that book-titles in cjk scripts are not italicizedis_cjk_code()
– (private) returns true when language code represents a cjk language
require('Module:No globals');
local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs;
--[[--------------------------< I S _ C J K _ C O D E >--------------------------------------------------------
return true if code is one of the listed Chinese, Japanese, Korean ISO 639 codes, false else.
local function is_cjk_code (code)
local cjk =
['zh'] = true, ['cdo'] = true, ['cjy'] = true, ['cmn'] = true, -- Chinese language codes
['cpi'] = true, ['cpx'] = true, ['czh'] = true, ['czo'] = true,
['gan'] = true, ['hak'] = true, ['hsn'] = true, ['ltc'] = true,
['lzh'] = true, ['mnp'] = true, ['nan'] = true, ['och'] = true,
['wuu'] = true, ['yue'] = true, ['zhx'] = true,
['ja'] = true, ['jpx'] = true, ['ojp'] = true, -- Japanese language codes
['ko'] = true, ['okm'] = true, ['oko'] = true, -- Korean language codes
return cjk[code] or false;
--[[--------------------------< S E T _ I T A L I C S >--------------------------------------------------------
Created for use with Template:Infobox book and Template:Infobox document and perhaps others to replace hard-coded
italic markup in the call to {{lang}}. This module attempts to make sure that {{lang}} correctly applies italic
markup according to MOS:FOREIGNITALIC.
local function set_italics (frame)
local args=getArgs(frame);
local code = args[1] or args['code'] or ''; -- empty string causes 'yes' return; {{lang}} will handle the missing code error
local text = args[2] or args['text'] or ''; -- empty string causes 'yes' return; {{lang}} will handle the missing text error
local is_latn = require ("Module:Unicode data").is_Latin;
code = code:gsub ('^(%a+).*', '%1'); -- strip subtags from IETF tag to leave just the language subtag
if is_cjk_code (code) and not is_latn (text) then -- is_latn() is in Module:Unicode data
return 'no'; -- only case for 'no'
return 'yes'; -- everything else is yes
--[[--------------------------< C O M P >----------------------------------------------------------------------
compare function for result{} table descending sort
local function comp (a, b)
return tonumber (a[1]) > tonumber (b[1]);
--[[--------------------------< S O R T _ C O M M O N >--------------------------------------------------------
common function to render sorted distribution, ethnicity, and occupation lists.
result - table of percentages and labels
ref - value from |distribution ref=, |ethnicity ref=, or |occupation ref= as appropriate
frame - calling frame required for expandTemplate()
returns sorted list on success; empty string else
local function sort_common (result, ref, frame)
for i=#result, 1, -1 do
if not tonumber (result[i][1]) then -- if cannot be converted to a number
table.remove (result, i); -- delete
if 0 == #result then -- if we get here and the result table is empty
return ''; -- abandon returning empty string
table.sort (result, comp); -- sort what remains
for i, v in ipairs (result) do
result[i] = table.concat (result[i]); -- make each table in result{} a string
result[1] = table.concat ({result[1], ref and ref or ''}); -- add reference(s) from |<list> ref= to first item in the list
return frame:expandTemplate { title = 'Unbulleted list', args = result}; -- render the unbulleted list
--[[--------------------------< D I S R I B U T I O N _ S O R T >----------------------------------------------
{{#invoke:Infobox/utilities|distribution_sort|{{{percent urban|}}}|{{{percent rural|}}}|{{{distribution ref|}}} }}
local function distribution_sort (frame)
local args=getArgs(frame);
local result = { -- initialize; table will be sorted according to values in result[n][1]
{args[1], '% urban'},
{args[2], '% rural'},
return sort_common (result, args[#result+1], frame);
--[[--------------------------< E T H N I C I T Y _ S O R T >--------------------------------------------------
{{#invoke:Infobox/utilities|ethnicity_sort|{{{percent white|}}}|{{{percent black|}}}|{{{percent asian|}}}|{{{percent hispanic|}}}|{{{percent native american|}}}|{{{percent native hawaiian|}}}|{{{percent more than one race|}}}|{{{percent other race|}}}|{{{ethnicity ref|}}} }}
local function ethnicity_sort (frame)
local args=getArgs(frame);
local result = { -- initialize; table will be sorted according to values in result[n][1]
{args[1], '% [[White Americans|White]]'},
{args[2], '% [[African Americans|Black]]'},
{args[3], '% [[Asian Americans|Asian]]'},
{args[4], '% [[Hispanic and Latino Americans|Hispanic]]'},
{args[5], '% [[Native Americans in the United States|Native American]]'},
{args[6], '% [[Pacific Islander Americans]]'},
{args[7], '% [[Multiracial Americans|Two or more races]]'},
{args[8], '% other'}, -- TODO: make other always last?
return sort_common (result, args[#result+1], frame);
--[[--------------------------< O C C U P A T I O N _ S O R T >------------------------------------------------
{{#invoke:Infobox/utilities|distribution_sort|{{{percent blue collar|}}}|{{{percent white collar|}}}|{{{percent grey collar|}}}|{{{occupation ref|}}} }}
local function occupation_sort (frame)
local args=getArgs(frame);
local result = { -- initialize; table will be sorted according to values in result[n][1]
{args[1], '% [[Blue-collar worker|Blue-collar]]'},
{args[2], '% [[White-collar worker|White-collar]]'},
{args[3], '% [[Gray-collar]]'},
return sort_common (result, args[#result+1], frame)
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------
return {
distribution_sort = distribution_sort, -- {{Infobox U.S. congressional district}}
ethnicity_sort = ethnicity_sort,
occupation_sort = occupation_sort,
set_italics = set_italics, -- {{Infobox book}}