This is an RfA talk page.
While voting and most discussion should occur on the main RfA page, sometimes discussions stray off-topic or otherwise clutter that page. The RfA talk page serves to unclutter the main RfA page by hosting discussions that are not related to the candidacy.
- Please remain calm and civil in discussions on both pages, avoiding personal attacks and harassment. Uninvolved administrators can still fully intervene in RfAs.
- Discussions should stay on-topic; consider moving or continuing discussions that are going off-topic elsewhere.
- Move discussions not germane to the candidacy here, then link it with
{{subst:rfan|dm|name of section header}} , indented to the original vote. Be conservative in using the template; obvious trolls and disruptive participants need not be noticed.
- Otherwise, avoid starting discussions here if they would be of interest to RfA participants and can fit on the main RfA page; generally, discussions should begin at the "General comments" section or as an indented reply to a vote.