A template to assist making manually-configured category navigation for cases with very irregular seasons, which the regular {{Navseasoncats}} cannot handle.


{{Navseasoncats}} is a very powerful tool. Without any parameters, it creates category navigation for sets of chronology categories of many types: years, decades, centuries, ordinals, and seasons (i.e. sets of categories where each category spans a range of years). However, technical limitations mean that it cannot handle seasons with irregular length and irregular inter-season gaps larger than 6 years.

This template eases the pain of manually creating category navigation for these irregular seasons, such as the subcats of Category:Legislators by term, where some parliaments have variable-length terms and large gaps.


{{Irregular navseasoncats|prefix|suffix|season1|season2|season3|...}}


A season category will usually take the form "prefix year-range suffix". There is rarely both a prefix and suffix: most categories have one or the other.

Example of prefix
Example of suffix


For the subcats of Category:Members of the Jharkhand Legislative Assembly by term:

{{Irregular navseasoncats|Jharkhand MLAs||2000–2005‎|2005–2009|2009–2014‎|2014–2019‎|2019–‎}}

Note that since there is no suffix, the second parameter is left blank.

See also