![]() | This is a wrapper template for Template:Graph:Stacked/core, whose source is maintained at mw:Template:Graph:Stacked. This wrapper implements Wikipedia-specific styles on top of the original template. |
![]() | This template uses TemplateStyles: |
This graph's main version resides at mw:Template:Graph:Stacked.
Please make or suggest all the changes there, and copy it everywhere else (until the copying is automated)
{{Graph:Stacked | table=Bea.gov/GDP by state.tab | type=year | xField=year | barwidth=14 | series="TX","NY","CA" | title=Per state GDP | chartSizing=fit }} |
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See or edit source data. |
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See or edit source data. |
{{Graph:Stacked | tabletype=query | table= |
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See Wikidata query. |
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"type": "text", "properties": { "enter": { "y": {"value": -15}, "x": {"signal": "width", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 30 }, "text": {"value": "Number of films by year and genre"}, "fontWeight": {"value": "bold"}, "align": {"value": "center"}, "baseline": {"value": "bottom"}, "fill": {"value": "#000"} } } } ] } </graph> Number of films by year and genre.
See Wikidata query. |
Other examples available at testcases page: Template:Graph:Stacked/testcases.
Lua error in Module:TNT at line 124: mw.text.jsonEncode: Cannot use type 'boolean' as a table key.
Wikipedia-specific options added to this template:
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
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If set, will style the chart with a border that matches that used for image thumbnails | Boolean | optional |
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Template calls can use the parameters by name, or they can be formatted similarly to normal image syntax. For example:
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See or edit source data. |