This is the {{auto archiving notice}} message box. It is usually placed on talk pages that are automatically archived.


When this box is placed on a subject page (not a talk page), it will display the light-grey "other pages" style. For example:

{{auto archiving notice|bot=lowercase sigmabot III}}

This box automatically adapts its styles depending on what kind of page it is placed on. For instance, when it is placed on a talk page, it will display the peach-colored talk page style. (See next example)

The |small=yes parameter works on talk pages and "other" pages. However, it doesn't work on articles, file and category pages. But the parameter does no harm if used on such pages. So you can make the box small and right floating if you like, for example:

{{auto archiving notice|bot=lowercase sigmabot III|age=30|small=yes}}


{{Auto archiving notice
| age         = <!-- default=7 -->
| bot         =
| botlink     =
| dounreplied = 
| index       =
| page        =
| small       =
| target      =
| units       = <!-- default=days -->


Here are some other parameter combinations:

{{auto archiving notice|bot=lowercase sigmabot III|age=30}}
{{auto archiving notice|bot=lowercase sigmabot III|botlink=User:lowercase sigmabot III|age=2|units=weeks}}
{{auto archiving notice|bot=lowercase sigmabot III|dounreplied=yes|page=This noticeboard}}
{{auto archiving notice|bot=lowercase sigmabot III|dounreplied=no}}
{{auto archiving notice|bot=lowercase sigmabot III|index=/Archive index|target={{#rel2abs:./Archive}}}}


  1. {{archive notice}}
  2. {{autoarchive}}
  3. {{automatic archiving notice}}
  4. {{sporadic archiving notice}}

See also