This module is subject to page protection. It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages, or is substituted very frequently. Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages, and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers, it is protected from editing. |
{{Wikipedia:Article alerts/Bot use warning}}
If you plan to make breaking changes to this template, move it, or nominate it for deletion, please notify Twinkle's users and maintainers at Wikipedia talk:Twinkle as a courtesy, as this template is used in the standard installation of Twinkle. Thank you! |
Implements {{Redirect for discussion}}.
require('Module:No globals')
local p = {}
local getTargetFromText = require('Module:Redirect').getTargetFromText
local messageBox
local mboxText = "'''The purpose of this redirect is currently being discussed by the Wikipedia community."
.. " The outcome of the discussion may result in a change of this page, or possibly its deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's [[Wikipedia:Deletion policy|deletion policy]].''' <br />"
.. " Please share your thoughts on the matter at '''[[Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/%s %s %s#%s|this redirect's entry]]''' on the [[Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion|Redirects for discussion]] page.<br />"
.. " '''Click on the link below''' to go to the current destination page.<br />"
.. "<small>Please notify the good-faith creator and any main contributors of the redirect by placing <code>{{[[Wikipedia:Substitution|subst]]:[[Template:Rfd notice|Rfd notice]]|%s}} ~~~~</code> on their talk page.</small>"
local deleteReason = '[[Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion]] debate closed as delete'
local messageOnTransclusionsStandard = '‹The template below is included via a redirect'
.. ' ([[%s]]) that is under discussion. See [[Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/%s %s %s#%s|redirects for discussion]]'
.. ' to help reach a consensus.›'
local messageOnTransclusionsTiny = '‹[[Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/%s %s %s#%s|See RfD]]›'
local function makeTransclusionTag(args, redirect)
local discussionPage = args[1] and mw.text.trim(args[1])
if not discussionPage or discussionPage == '' then
discussionPage = redirect
local visClasses = {
} -- More can be added if justified by situation
local sizeAttrs = {
['standard'] = {
['tags'] = {'<div ', '</div>'},
['style'] = ' border-bottom:1px solid #AAAAAA;',
['message'] = messageOnTransclusionsStandard:format(redirect, args.year, args.month,, discussionPage)
['tiny'] = {
['tags'] = {' <span ', '</span> '},
['style'] = '',
['message'] = messageOnTransclusionsTiny:format(args.year, args.month,, discussionPage)
local size = sizeAttrs[args.showontransclusion] and args.showontransclusion or 'standard'
local tags = sizeAttrs[size]['tags']
local visibility = visClasses[args.transclusiontagvisibility] or ''
local classes = 'class="boilerplate metadata plainlinks ' .. visibility .. '" '
local id = 'id="rfd-t" '
local style = 'style="background-color: transparent; padding: 0; font-size:xx-small; color:#000000;'
.. 'text-align:left;' .. sizeAttrs[size]['style'] .. '" '
return tags[1] .. classes .. id .. style .. '>' .. sizeAttrs[size]['message'] .. tags[2]
local function makeRfdNotice(args)
local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
if not messageBox then
messageBox = require('Module:Message box')
local discussionPage = args[1] and mw.text.trim(args[1])
if discussionPage == '' then
discussionPage = nil
local target = getTargetFromText(args.content)
local isError = not target or not
local category
if args.category then
category = args.category
elseif args.timestamp then
-- Extract stable year and month from timestamp; args.month and args.year can change if the discussion is relisted (see [[Special:Diff/896302321]])
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local catMonth = lang:formatDate('F', args.timestamp)
local catYear = lang:formatDate('Y', args.timestamp)
category = string.format('[[Category:Redirects for discussion from %s %s|%s]][[Category:All redirects for discussion|%s]]', catMonth, catYear, currentTitle.text, currentTitle.text)
category = string.format('[[Category:Redirects for discussion|%s]][[Category:All redirects for discussion|%s]]', currentTitle.text, currentTitle.text)
if category then category = category..'[[Category:Temporary maintenance holdings]]' end
return string.format('%s<span id="delete-reason" style="display:none;">%s</span>%s%s',
messageBox.main('mbox', {
type = 'delete',
name = 'RfD',
image = 'none',
text = string.format(mboxText, args.year, args.month,, discussionPage or currentTitle.prefixedText, mw.text.nowiki(currentTitle.prefixedText))
isError and '[[Category:RfD errors]]' or ''
p[''] = function(frame)
local args = frame.args
if not args.content or mw.text.trim(args.content) == '' then
return '<span class="error">Error: No content was provided. The original text of the page (the #REDIRECT line and any templates) must be placed inside of the content parameter.[[Category:RfD errors]]</span>'
local pframe = frame:getParent()
if pframe:preprocess('<includeonly>1</includeonly>') == '1' then
-- We're being transcluded, so display the content of our target.
local target = getTargetFromText(args.content)
if target then
target =
local redirect = pframe:getTitle()
if target and not target.isRedirect and target ~= redirect then
-- We should actually be calling expandTemplate on the grandparent rather than on the parent, but we can't do that yet
-- Since we don't have grandparent access, though, it means the thing we're calling doesn't either, so it doesn't really matter yet
local parsedTarget = pframe:expandTemplate{title = ':' .. target.prefixedText, args = pframe.args}
if frame.args.showontransclusion and not mw.isSubsting() then
return makeTransclusionTag(args, redirect) .. parsedTarget
return parsedTarget
-- We're not being transcluded, or we can't figure out how to display our target.
-- Check if we can find the target.
local target = getTargetFromText(args.content)
messageBox = require('Module:Message box')
local redirbox
if target then -- target isn't nil
redirbox = messageBox.main('mbox', {
type = 'notice',
name = 'RedirectBox',
image = '[[File:Symbol redirect blue.svg|40px]]',
text = "'''This title is currently a redirect ''' to [[:" .. getTargetFromText(args.content) .. "]]; click there to go to the current target. The full content of this redirect page, including all [[Wikipedia:Categorizing redirects|redirect categories]], is displayed below."
redirbox = messageBox.main('mbox', {
type = 'notice',
name = 'RedirectBox',
image = '[[File:Symbol redirect vote 4.svg|40px]]',
text = "'''This redirect's target could not be determined.''' This page may be a [[Wikipedia:Soft redirect|soft redirect]], or not a redirect at all. The content of the page is displayed below."
-- Display the RfD banner.
return makeRfdNotice(frame.args) .. '\n' .. redirbox .. frame.args.content
local substText = "{{<includeonly>safesubst:</includeonly>#invoke:RfD||%s%s|%s%s\n"
.. "<!-- The above content is generated by {{subst:rfd}}. -->\n<!-- End of RFD message. Don't edit anything above here. Feel free to edit below here, but do NOT change the redirect's target. -->|content=\n%s\n"
.. "<!-- Don't add anything after this line unless you're drafting a disambiguation page or article to replace the redirect. -->\n}}"
local dateText = 'month = %B\n|day = %e\n|year = %Y\n|time = %R\n|timestamp = %Y%m%d%H%M%S'
-- called during subst when the template is initially placed on the page
function p.main(frame)
local titleText
local pframe = frame:getParent()
local pargs = pframe.args
local Date
if pargs.days then
Date =, os.time() - 86400*pargs.days)
Date =
local retval = string.format(substText, pargs.FULLPAGENAME or pargs[1] or '', pargs.showontransclusion and '|showontransclusion=1' or '', Date, pframe:getTitle() == mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText and '|category=' or '', pargs.content or '')
if mw.isSubsting() then
return retval
return frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Template:Error:must be substituted', args = {'rfd'}} .. frame:preprocess(retval)
return p