Template:Taxobox colour scheme

Revision as of 04:09, 6 October 2020 by Wikipedia>Peter coxhead (rearranged alphabetically)
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Animalia rgb(235,235,210)
Archaea rgb(195,245,250) also Nanoarchaeota (Nanarchaeota), Korarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota, Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota
Archaeplastida rgb(180,250,180) also Plantae and Viridiplantae
Bacteria rgb(220,235,245)
Eukaryota rgb(245,215,255) For eukaryotes with no other colour defined, including Excavata, Amoebozoa and Opisthokonta
Fungi rgb(145,250,250)
Ichnotaxa rgb(230,222,214)
incertae sedis rgb(250,240,230)
SAR rgb(200,250,80) also Chromalveolata
Ootaxa rgb(250,250,220)
Viruses rgb(250,250,190) also Viroids